Monday, September 14, 2020

Time running out to register for CNA Regional Workshops

The South Dakota Department of Education is offering free virtual Comprehensive Needs Assessment Regional Workshops to all South Dakota schools throughout the 2020-21 school year. Limited openings remain in several cohorts (see schedule below). 

Workshops are facilitated by professionals trained and experienced in the South Dakota Comprehensive Needs Assessment. The process is designed to build a school’s capacity in conducting the needs analysis, looking at both qualitative and quantitative data sources.  

The workshops are intended for schools identified for school improvement (targeted support and improvement), Title I schoolwide schools, and any school that would like support conducting a needs analysis.

Title I schoolwide schools are required to conduct a needs assessment aligned to the framework by the end of the 2020-21 school year and once every three years. We would encourage Title I schoolwide schools to participate if they have not. The series consist of five sessions: 

1) Half day: introduction meeting and overview of the process

2) Full day: in-depth session on the four components, brainstorm data sources, crosswalk data sources, engaging stakeholders

3) Two full days: data work, complete summary templates

4) Full day: prioritize needs, root cause analysis

5) Full day: action planning

School teams must commit to attend all five sessions, send a team of 3-5, and complete the homework assigned between sessions.

To register, email Jordan Varilek with the South Dakota Department of Education.

Wagner area cohort

Lemmon area cohort

Aberdeen area cohort

 Huron area cohort

Chamberlain area cohort 

Session 1: SDCNA Overview 

 Sept. 24 (afternoon only)

 Sept. 22 (afternoon only)

 Sept. 21 (afternoon only)

 Sept. 22 (afternoon only)

 Sept. 24 (afternoon only)

 Session 2: Components, data sources, stakeholders

 Oct. 8

 Oct. 8

 Oct. 7

 Oct. 8

 Oct. 9

 Session 3: Data summary templates

 Dec. 14-15

 Dec. 10-11

 Dec. 14-15

 Dec. 17-18

 Dec. 10-11

 Session 4: Prioritize needs, root cause analysis

 Jan. 21, 2021

 Jan. 22, 2021

 Jan. 20, 2021

 Jan. 21, 2021

 Jan. 22, 2021

 Session 5: Action plan